Maynaguri College

Dept. of Education

Department of Education

Year of Establishment: 2015

About The department

About the Department: The department of education was introduced as a pass course subject for the students in the year 2015 at the initial stage, general course (B.A) OF EDUCATION was offered under the university of North Bengal. The department has three STATE AIDED COLLEGE TEACHRES .The huge number of students in the general course are really handled well by handful of dedicated teachers. In 2023, the department started offering B.A Major Course (FYUGP) in education with an intake capacity of 50 students.
The department has its own departmental library, holding a good number of Education books, for the benefits of students. Although relatively a new department it engages its students in different academic and cultural activities throughout the academic session. The department organizes fresher’s programmer, farewell programmer, International Yoga Day celebration, wall magazine, simulated teaching, monthly test etc. to make learning more interesting and dynamic..

Why study Education

As an Interdisciplinary subject education draws on Sociology, Psychology, History, Technology, Statistics and philosophy. It helps us understand and broaden our knowledge about how people of all ages learn and the factors that impact this positively and negatively. An under graduate in education is an important first step in becoming a teacher. The curriculum often includes courses on educational theory, classroom management and subject specific teaching method. Additionally students may engage in practical teaching experience’s through internships or student teaching. The goal is to equip Graduate’s with the skills and knowledge needed various subjects and grade levels.


Achievement & Student Progression: Students of this defined Department has successfully raised their heads in the society .As a newly-born child, this department is growing day by day and its branches are enormously expended with the help of its Students. Many students got the job in the police and defense sectors. Their results is very promising in miscellaneous services of State Govt. as well as Central Govt. Few of them settled in business and public sectors also. Many of our students pursued post graduate studies in leading universities of West Bengal. We are very hopeful and positive for their prosperous future. As well as, We are grateful our institution for proper co-operate and co-ordination in this matter.

Programs Offered

This Department offers-
1) B.A Program Course.
2) B.A Major Course in Education.

Infrastructure available in the Department

Infrastructure available in the Department:
• Departmental class room.
• Departmental library.

Departmental Library:

The department of education has setup a departmental library. The library has some basic books on education like-

Student Progression :

Seminars & Workshops

Department Faculties

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