1 | Dr. Madhusudan Karmakar | Geography | Minor Research Project | Growth and prospects of ecotourism in North Bengal | 2006-2007 |
2 | Dr. Sarbari Mukhopadhyay | Geography | Minor Research Project | Impact of environmental degradation on the natural resources in Douigeling Hilldrons | 20.12.2011 |
3 | Dr. Paramita Ghosh | English | Minor Research Project | Imperialism through the traveller's eye in the novels of U.S. Naipal and Amitav Ghosh: A selective study | 7.11.2009 |
4 | Dr. Papia Deb | Political Science | Minor Research Project | Regional movement, political demand, and nature of sub-state politics: A study of West Bengal | 5.2.2013 |
5 | Dr. Apurba Kr. Saha | Bengali | Minor Research Project | রবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুরের 'ডাকঘর' : সেকাল থেকে একালে | 2012-13 |