Maynaguri College

Institutional Distinctiveness


The vision of Maynaguri College is to transform dreams into reality and the development of holistic individuals in a culturally enriching milieu through the spread of knowledge and wisdom in an environment that is intellectual, aspiring yet emotionally binding, and stands as a testimony to the commitment and concern of the trust towards the future of the society. In keeping with our vision statement, Maynaguri College has always given priority to the education of the underprivileged and the economically weaker sections to empower them. Since our college is located in a rural area, it has been our constant endeavour to serve the local rural community by being a beacon of higher education in this area. Our social responsibility towards the society is not served by imparting education only, but it has been our motto to provide holistic education to all.

Through various social outreach programmes, organized throughout the year like adopting villages, we have made an effort to give back to the society. The extension activities of the college and its outreach programs help students engage with the community around them and strive to awaken in students a sense of social and civic responsibility, environmental stewardship and sensitivity to the needs of those different from themselves. The NSS Units have organised annual rural camps to provide empowerment and awareness programmes for the community. The NCC cadets are involved in awareness programmes, disaster management and community development initiatives. The Eco club has championed the cause of environmental activism and has been engaged in making the students to be responsible stewards of the environment through tree planting drives, campus cleaning and Swachh Bharat programs, creating awareness on reducing and recycling waste, segregation of waste.


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2Institutional Distinctiveness 19-20Download
3Institutional Distinctiveness 20-21Download
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