Father’s Name: Kamal Das
Date of Birth: 30th April 1993
Gender: Male
Nationality: Indian
Religion: Hindu
Caste: S.C. (19153/SC/S)
Email: rs_mantudas@nbu.ac.in / mantu.geo.nbu@gmail.com
Languages: Bengali, English, Hindi
Permanent Address: 2NO. Gouranga Colony, Koler Danga Road (South), P.O+P.S – Nabadwip, District – Nadia, W.B, PIN-741302
Present Address: University of North Bengal, Raja Rammohunpur, P.O – NBU, Dist – Darjeeling, W.B, PIN-734013
Educational Qualification
Examination | Board/University | Year | Division | Total Marks | Marks Obtained | % of Marks |
Madhyamik | W.B.B.S.E | 2010 | 1st | 800 | 570 | 71.25% |
H.S. (Arts) | W.B.C.H.S.E | 2012 | 1st | 500 | 362 | 72.40% |
B.A. (Geography) | University of Burdwan | 2015 | 1st Class | 800 | 480 | 60.00% |
M.A. (Geography) | University of Calcutta | 2017 | 1st Class | 1000 | 666 | 66.60% |
M.Phil. (Geography) | University of North Bengal | 2022 | 1st Class | 850 | 651 | 76.59% |
Ph.D. (Geography) | University of North Bengal | Ongoing | Ongoing | — | — | — |
Dissertation & Thesis
M.A. Dissertation: “Changing Course of River Jalangi and its Environmental Impact, Nadia (India)”
M.Phil. Dissertation: “River Health: Hydro-Morphodynamic Behaviour of the Kaljani River in Himalayan Foothills Region of India”
Ph.D. Thesis (Ongoing): “Fluvial Processes and Evolution of Quaternary Landscape of the Jaldhaka River Basin in Himalayan Foreland, India”
Other Qualifications
- Advanced Cartography (Master’s Degree)
- Fluvial Geomorphology (M.Phil. Degree)
Computer Certificate Course: CITA (Computer Institute Training Association)UGC-NET:
- NET-NOV 2017 (1. 40640/(SC))
- NET-JULY 2018 (2. 50896/)
- NET-JUNE 2019 (3. 190510152459)
UGC-NET-JRF Qualified (NET-June 2019)
- NTA Ref. No.: 190510152459
Award (State/National/International)
- Junior Research Fellowship (UGC): 02.01.2020 to 01.01.2022
- Senior Research Fellowship (UGC): 02.01.2022 to till date
- Best paper presentation award (Ranked 1st) in 5th RSTC of West Bengal, 2022-23.
Work experience
Type of Work | Institution/Department | Duration | Designation | Title of Project |
Project | Cultural Research Institute (CRI), B.C.W & T.D Dept., Govt. of West Bengal | 10.01.2018 to 31.05.2018 | Research Assistant (RA) | “Impact of Technological Development in Some Tribal Areas of West Bengal” |
Project | Cultural Research Institute (CRI), B.C.W & T.D Dept., Govt. of West Bengal | 01.08.2018 to 31.07.2019 | Research Assistant (RA) | “Study on Weekly Markets in Some Tribal Areas of West Bengal” |
Teaching Experience
Position | Institute Name | Date of Entry | Date of Completion |
Counselor in the Department of Environmental Studies (Distance Mode – Online) | Chapra Bangaljhi Mahavidyalaya Study Centre (031), P.O.- Bangaljhi, Nadia, Pin: 741123, West Bengal, India [Study Centre of Rabindra Bharati University for Distance Education] | 13th January 2022 | Ongoing till date |
Geoinformatics courses
- One Month Online Certificate Course on ADVANCED Q-GIS on 25th April – 17th May 2020
from The Centre for Applied Geoinformatics, South Asian Institute for Advanced Research
and Development (SAIARD), Kolkata, India. - 21 days Online GIS Training Program using QGIS, conducted by the Department of
Geography, School of Earth Sciences, Central University of Karnataka, India, jointly with
State Institute of Urban Development, Karnataka, India from 13.7.2020 to 2.8.2020. - Course on ‘Remote Sensing Application for Change detection and Simulation’ from
Computer Aided Design (CAD) Centre, Faculty council for engineering and technology, under
Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India.
RS-GIS and Statistical software skill
Q-GIS, ArcGIS, Erdas imagine, Geomatica, MapInfo, Global Mapper, SPSS, R-Studio; Drone application
Workshops/Training Programmes
- UGC Sponsored workshop on ‘Contemporary Tools and Technique in Geography’ organized
by department of Geography & Applied Geography, University of North Bengal, West Bengal,
India from 12th to 18th February, 2020. - IGI-Young Geomorphologists Forum: Intensive Training Programme for THE YOUNG
nd to 5
th March, 2020 at the Department of Geography,
University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India. - National level 5 days online workshop on “Fundamentals of Applied Geographic
Information System and Remote Sensing with special emphasis on QGIS” held between
22.07.2020 to 26.07.2020 (20 hours). - IGI-Young Geomorphologists Forum: Intensive Training Programme for THE YOUNG
GEOMORPHOLOGISTS OF INDIA (3rd Edition), 2nd to 5th March, 2023 on Application of
UAV (Drone) in Geomorphological Studies and Environmental Monitoring at Jadavpur
University, Kolkata, India.
Publication in Journals/Book Chapters
- Saha, R., Das, M., & Hembrom, S. (2017). Application of GIS and Remote sensing in land use and land cover planning: A study of Guwahati city, Assam, THE OBSERVER, ISSN: 2230- 9535, volume: 54, 187-191.
- Hembrom, S., Das, M., Guha, D., Das, S., & Saha, R. (2018). Sajna-Dighi Shiv Charak Puja (Sajna Pata)–A Traditional Fair and Festival among the Santal Tribe at Habbipur Block of Malda District, West Bengal, Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute, Vol. XXIX (1-4).
- Das, M., Guha, D., & Banerjee, S. (2019). Land transformation and land valuation: A case study of Barakhola, Patuli and Rekjuani Mouza near eastern metropolitan bypass, Kolkata, International Journal of Novel Research and Development (IJNRD), ISSN: 2456-4184, 4(5), 87-94.
http://www.ijnrd.org/papers/IJNRD1905013.pdf - Das, M., & Guha, D. (2019). Impact of technological Development on the tribal people: A case study of selected tribal village in Jhargram district, west Bengal, International Journal of Novel Research and Development (IJNRD), ISSN: 2456-4184, 4(5), 73-82.
http://www.ijnrd.org/papers/IJNRD1905011.pdf - Das, M. & Saha, S. (2021). Restoration of natural environment towards sustainability in pandemic COVID-19: A special reference to city area of West Bengal, India, THE COVID 19 PANDEMIC: A Review of the Social, Economic and Environmental Issues/Challenge edited by Madhusudan Karmakar, ISBN: 978-93-5427-451-0, pp 222-239 (BlueRose).
- Das, M. & Saha, S. (2021). “Observation on the Health of Himalayan Lakes in order to Physico-Chemical Properties of Fresh Water in Darjiling District, West Bengal, India”. Population, Development and Environmental Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities, edited by Dr. Indrajit Roy Chowdhury, ISBN: 978-93-91139-21-6, pp 239-268 (Rajesh Publication, New Delhi).
- Das, M., Parveen, T., Ghosh, D. & Alam, J. (2021). Assessing groundwater status and human perception in drought-prone areas: a case of Bankura-I and Bankura-II blocks, West Bengal (India). Environmental Earth Sciences 80(18), 1-23 (Springer)
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-021-09909-8 - Das, M. & Saha, S. (2022). Spatiotemporal Detection and Delineation of Bhagirathi-Hooghly River Bank Erosion Using GIS Analytics, West Bengal, India. In: Shit P.K., Pourghasemi H.R., Bhunia G.S., Das P., Narsimha A. (eds) Geospatial Technology for Environmental Hazards. Advances in Geographic Information Science, 513-537. (Springer, Cham.)
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-75197-5_23 - Das, M., Biswas, B. & Saha, S. (2022). Assessing vulnerability of groundwater resource in urban and sub-urban areas of Siliguri, North Bengal (India): A special reference to LULC alteration. In: Shit P.K., Bhunia G.S., Adhikari P.P. (eds) Case Studies in Geospatial Applications to Groundwater Resources, 249-273. (Elsevier)
https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-99963-2.00006-7 - Rahaman, S., Das, M., & Saha, S. (2022). Delineation of Groundwater Potential Zones Using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Technique in Balason River Basin of West Bengal, India. In: Saha S., Chakraborty K., Das M. (Eds) Riverine Environment and Its Dynamics: Challenges, Issues and Sustainable Managements, ISBN: 978-93-5704-498-1, BlueRose Publishers, New Delhi, 1, 16-47.
- Chakraborty, K., Das, M., & Saha, S. (2023). Application of Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Approach for Assessing Flood Susceptibility of the Tal-Diara and Barind Region in Malda District, India. In. Islam, A., Shit, P. K., Datta, D. K., Islam, M. H., Roy, S., Ghosh, S., & Das, B. C. (eds) Flood in the Ganga-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta, 203-230. (Springer)
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-21086-0_9 - Das, M., & Saha, S. (2023). Spatio-temporal variations of a meandering channel morphodynamics: A study along the Kaljani River in Bhuchungmari-Moamari Section of North Bengal Dooars, West Bengal (India). RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 8(3), 114–131. https://doi.org/10.31305/rrijm.2023.v08.n03.014
- Saha, S., Sarkar, B., Das, M. (2023). Documentation of Surface Soil Characteristics as Indicator of Soil Erosion: A Case of East Khasi Hills in and around Shillong, Meghalaya. RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary, 8(5), 109-121.
https://doi.org/10.31305/rrijm.2023.v08.n05.016 - Das, M., Parveen, M. T., Ghosh, D., Sarkar, A., Alam, J., Saha, S. (2024). Unstable Behavioural Pattern of Teesta River and its Impact on Riverine Dwellers: A Case Study of Confluence Area of Teesta and Dharala River, India. African Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(1), 24-49. https://doi.org/10.51483/AFJHSS.4.1.2024.24-49
- Das, M. & Saha, S. (2024). Assessment of Landuse and Landcover Changes Using GIS Analytics of River Kaljani Basin in Dooars, North Bengal. The Deccan Geographer, 62 (1), 106-121. (UGC Care Listed Geography Journal)
- Das, M. & Saha, S. (2024). Trend and variability analysis of rainfall at Jaldhaka River Basin in the Himalayan Foreland, India. Discover Applied Sciences, https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-024-06022-w (Springer) – The manuscript has been accepted, but it has not yet been published online.
Edited Book volume
- Riverine Environment and Its Dynamics: Challenges, Issues and Sustainable Managements
(2022). Edited by Dr. S. Saha, K. Chakraborty & M. Das, BlueRose Publishers, New Delhi
ISBN: 978-93-5704-498-1
- International seminar on “Ecotourism and Regional Planning for Sustainable Development” 27 – 28 September 2019 organized by Department of Geography, Seva Bharati Mahavidyalaya, Kapgari, Jhargram, W.B., India & Associated Organizer Tropical Institute of Earth and Environmental Research (TIEER), Midnapur, W.B., India & Academic Collaboration with Dept. of Geography & Environment Management, Vidyasagar University, Midnapur, W.B., India – Paper presented on “A Cultural Identity of Traditional Fair and Festival among Santhal Tribe at Habbipur Block of Malda District, West Bengal”.
- 32nd Annual Conference of the Indian Institute of Geomorphologists (IGI). Focal Theme: Geomorphology for Human Adaptation to Changing Environment organized by Department of Geography, West Bengal State University presented a paper entitled “Morphodynamics of the Meandering River: A study along the Kaljani River in Bhuchungmari-Moamari Section of North Bengal Dooars, West Bengal (India)” on 21st to 23rd January 2021.
- National seminar on ‘Climate Change and Transformative Changes in Himalayan and SubHimalayan Socio-Ecological System (CLIMSES)’ 8th – 9 th February, 2020 organized by Bangio Bhugal Mancha in collaboration with Department of Geography & Applied Geography, Siliguri College – programme attainted as a participant.
- National seminar on ‘Health Status and Health Care Practices of Scheduled Tribes in West Bengal’ organized by Cultural Research Institute, Backward Classes Welfare Department Tribal Development department, Government of West Bengal – programme attainted as a participant.
- State Level seminar on ‘Tribal Food and Nutrition in West Bengal’ organized by Cultural Research Institute, Backward Classes Welfare Department Tribal Development department, Government of West Bengal – programme attainted as a participant.
- International Webinar on “Challenges of Climate Change and Sustainable Development Goals” organized by the Department of Geography, School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Adamas University on 29th June 2020 – programme attainted as a participant.
- Webinar organized by the Department of Geography, School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Adamas University on the theme of “Application of GIS-RS Based Techniques and Research Horizon in Geographical Studies” on 20th June 2020 – programme attainted as a participant.
- The World Environment Day Quiz 2020 organized by the Department of Geography, School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Adamas University on 5th June 2020 and scored 37 / 50.
- The Webinar with the focal theme– “Changing Geographies: Living with the Pandemic” held on 08.06.2020, (Monday) organized by the Department of Geography, St. Xavier’s College, Burdwan – programme attainted as a participant.
- Webinar lecture on “Opportunities of MSME and Start-ups through the Economic Packages of Government of India” organized by South Asian Institute for Advanced Research and Development (SAIARD) on 31st may 2020 – program attainted as a participant.
- Panel Discussion organized by the Department of Geography, School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Adamas University on the theme of “The Science of Places: Exploring the Career Goals and Competencies of Future Geographers” on 31st May 2020 – programme attainted as a participant.
- Webinar organized by the Department of Geography, School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Adamas University on the theme of “Road Map of Future Geographers, 2020” dated 18th May 2020 – programme attainted as a participant.
- Webinar on “Application of Geospatial Techniques in Hydrology” by Mr. Pratiman Patel, Weather prediction expert and Mr. Sukant Jain, Research Scientist, National Institute of Hydrology, Bhopal organized by Albedo Foundation on 7th July 2020 – programme attainted as a participant.
- Webinar on “Distinct Landforms of West Bengal: Alluvial Fans and Badlands” held on 31st July, 2020 jointly organized by Department of Geography and IQAC Vivekananda College for Women, Barisha, West Bengal – programme attainted as a participant.
- “Two-day Webinar series on Applications of Conceptual Hydrogeology” organized by the Department of Geology, Presidency University, Kolkata on 5th and 6th August, 2020 – programme attainted as a participant.
- National Webinar entitled “River Basin and its Influence on Surrounding Inhabitants” organised by Department of Geography in collaboration with IQAC, Ranaghat College on Tuesday 11th August, 2020 – programme attainted as a participant.
- Webinar on “Remote Sensing and Resource Management” held on 13 July 2020 at 11:30 a.m. organized by Guwahati College – programme attainted as a participant.
- International Webinar on “Resource Studies: A changing Paradigm in Social Sciences” organized by IIARI on 16th august 2020 – programme attainted as a participant.
- Webinar on “Climate, People and Sustainability” organized by the Department of Geography in collaboration with IQAC, Dhupguri Girls’ College on 29th September 2021 – programme attained as a participant.
- Webinar: Acted as organizing committee member in the DSTBT, W.B. Research Project assisted webinar on “Bank Erosion of River Ganga in Malda District, West Bengal” on 19th February 2022 organized by the Dept. of Geography & Applied Geography, University of North Bengal.
- International Seminar on ‘Essence of Geography: What, Where, Why and How’ organised by Department of geography, Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University in collaboration with Foundation of Practising Geographers held on November 11 & 12, 2022 at Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University, West Bengal – presented a paper entitled “Assessing the Bank Instability in Relation to River Health: A case of Kaljani River in Piedmont-Alluvial Plain of North Bengal, India”.
- 5th Regional Science and technology Congress, 2022-23 organized jointly by University of Gour Banga, Malda, West Bengal and Department of Science and Technology and Biotechnology, Government of West Bengal held on 11th and 12th January, 2023 at the University of Gour Banga – presented a paper entitled “Hydro-morphodynamic behaviour of the Kaljani river in Himalayan foothill region of India: an approach to river health” and awarded as best paper presenter (Ranked 1) in the session of Earth Science.
- 30th West Bengal State Science and technology Congress, 2023 organized by Department of Science and Technology and Biotechnology, Government of West Bengal held on 28th February/01st March, 2023 at Science City, Kolkata presented a paper entitled “Hydromorphodynamic behaviour of the Kaljani river in Himalayan foothill region of India: an approach to river health” in the session of Earth Science.
- Two-days ICSSR-ERC National Seminar on ‘Urbanization, Urban Environment and Sustainability in Himalayan and Sub-Himalayan Region’ organized by the Department of Geography & Applied Geography, University of North Bengal, West Bengal held on 1st July 2nd July 2023 presented a paper entitled “Climatic variability analysis through statistical techniques in the Himalayan Foreland basin: a case of Jaldhaka River Basin in Indian territory”.
- Two-days ICSSR-ERC National Seminar on ‘Urbanization, Urban Environment and Sustainability in Himalayan and Sub-Himalayan Region’ organized by the Department of Geography & Applied Geography, University of North Bengal, West Bengal held on 1st July2 nd July 2023 presented a paper entitled “An integrated analysis of Morphometric characteristics and the prioritization of sub-watersheds: a case study on Kaljani River Basin in Sub-Himalayan North Bengal”.
- State level special lecture on “Old Maps and New Images: Cartographic Histories in India” organised by the Department of Geography in collaboration with IQAC, Dhupguri Girls’ College, Dhupguri, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal-735210, on 3rd September, 2023 – Programme attained as a participant.
- Ministry of Earth Sciences (MoES) sponsored Three Days International Conference on ‘Emerging Issues in Environment, Livelihood and Development: A Future Road Map towards Sustainable Earth’ organized by the Department of Geography & Applied Geography, University of North Bengal, West Bengal held on 26th – 28th January 2024 presented a paper entitled “Geospatial and MCDM approach for identifying the potential sites of water harvesting in the Himalayan Foreland Basin: a case of Jaldhaka River in India”.
- Two Days National level workshop on “Know the Techniques of Minor Instruments: A Training cum Workshop” at Sitalkuchi College of Cooch Behar on 25th May, 2024 participated as a Field Assistant of Resource Person (Dr. Snehasish Saha, Associate Professor, Dept. of Geography & Applied Geography, University of North Bengal).
- State level special lecture on ‘Geographical scholars and their contributions in European world: a compendium passaging to present day knowledge based in Geography’ on 01.06.2024 (Saturday) organised by the Department of Geography, Maynaguri college – programme attained as a participant.