Maynaguri College

Dr. Papia Deb

Political Science
Designation: Associate Professor
Address for Correspondence: Maynaguri College, Maynaguri, Jalpaiguri

Educational Qualification:

Name of the Degree Year of Passing Institution
Ph. D (Awarded)2007North Bengal University
M. Phil1998North Bengal University

Specialization (if any): Public Administration
Areas of Interests: Political Thought, Public Administration, International Relations, Indian Politics and Comparative Politics

Courses Taught

SemestersPapers Taught (under CBCS)Papers (under NEP)
FirstCC2:Perspectives on Public AdministrationMajor: Understanding Political Theory
SEC: Introduction to Legal Awareness
MDC: Human Rights
SecondCC4: Western Political ThoughtMajor: Fundamentals of the Constitution of India
SEC: Legislative Procedures in India
MDC: International Relations
ThirdCC6: Public Policy and Administration in India
CC7: Nationalism in India
SEC: Public Opinion & Survey Research
FourthCC8: Introduction to International Relations
SEC: Democratic & Legal Awareness
FifthCC11: Indian Political Thought
DSE: International Organizations
SEC: Public Opinion & Survey Research
SixthCC13: India’s Foreign Policy in a Globalized World
DSE: India and her Neighbours
SEC: Democratic & Legal Awareness

Previous Employment details (if any):

01. Worked as Part-time Lecturer in Siliguri Mahila Mahavidyalaya from 1997-2006
02. Worked as Part-time Lecturer in Siliguri College from 2001-2003
03. Worked as Guest Lecturer in Siliguri Institute of Technology from 1999-2000
04. Worked as Full time Lecturer in Gyan Jyoti College from 2006-March, 2010
05. Worked as Part-time Sub-editor in Uttar Banga Sambad from 1995-2000

Awards/Honours received: Received Best Programme officer award for outstanding performance in NSS by North Bengal University in 2013.
Academic Experiences: 27 Years

Administrative Experiences:

 Head of the Department from 2012-till date
 Member, IQAC (2011-2021).
 Member IQAC (2021- till date).
 NAAC Coordinator(2012-2016)
 Member, Admission Committee (2012 -2017)
 Convenor, Admission Committee (2018 -2019)
 Convenor, Academic Committee (2013 -2021)
 Member, Academic Committee (October, 2023 -till date)
 Convenor, Election Committee (2010 –till date)
 Secretary, Teacher’s Council, Maynaguri College(2015-2021)
 Member, Exam Committee (January, 2024 till date).
 Convenor, Women’s Cell (2021- till date)
 Member of Library Committee (2012- till date)
 NSS Programme Officer, NSS Unit 1, Maynaguri College (May, 2010-March, 2023)
 Nodal Officer, West Bengal Students’ Credit Card Scheme.
 Governing Body Member in Maynaguri College(2015-2020)
 Governing Body Member in A.C.College, Jalpaiguri (2014-2018)
 Member, Board of Studies, Political Science, University of North Bengal.
 Head Examiner, Moderator for NBU UG examination.
 Convenor of UGC sponsored National seminar in 21-22 November 2016.
 Convenor of International Seminar held on 25-26 March, 2015.
 Convenor of International Seminar held on 8-10 January, 2016, Organised by Maynaguri College and Directed by The Institute of cross cultural studies and academic exchange, NC, USA.
 Organising Secretary of International Webinar held on 18-19 August, 2020.
 Nodal Officer of NIRF.

Research Experiences: Completed a UGC sponsored Minor Research Project on
‘Regional Movements, Political Demands and the nature of Sub-state politics-A study of
North Bengal’ in the period of 2012-2014

Conferences/Seminars/Workshops attended:

Details of Webinar attended

1. FDP(online) on Empowerment in Online Teaching, Learning & Evaluation for Combating Covid-19 Pandemic situation, 2nd June to 8th June, 2020,organized by Cooch Behar College, approved by Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University.
2. Four Day National Webinar on Steering HEIs in the wake of Covid-19: the way ahead for Academia, held on 9th June to 12th June, 2020, organized by Vivekanand Education Society’s college of Arts, Science and Commerce in association with Vijnana Bharati, Mumbai.
3. G.S.College of Commerce & Economics, Jabalpur, M.P, International webinar on 15thJune, 2020, on Stress Management Problems and challenges in higher education global perspective.
4. Two-Day National Webinar on Socio-Political Dynamics of India in the Present Pandemic Situation: major issues, organized by Department of Political science, Calcutta Girls’ College on 16th-17th June, 2020.
5. One week FDP on Online Teaching & Learning in India, 17th to 22nd June, 2020, jointly organized by Guru Angad Dev Teaching Learning centre, SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi under the Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching(PMMMNMTT) of MHRD in collaboration with Bodoland University and, an initiative of Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development.
6. Two day International Webinar on Communicating Covid-19: Geo-politics of a Global Pandemic, organized by Chaitanya Mahavidyalaya in collaboration with Domkal Girls’ College on 30th June to 1st July, 2020.
7. International Webinar on-The rising Dragon and the Dancing Elephant: Sino-Indian conflict dynamics in South Asia in contemporary times, 4th July, 2020, organized by Department of Political science, Diamond Harbour Women’s University.
8. One day State level Webinar on Administrative Affairs thrusting upon promotion of College Teachers/Librarians under CAS, on 11th July, 2020, organized by Teachers’ Council & IQAC of City College.
9. One day National Webinar on Copyright Concerns and Challenges for Online Education, on 15th July, 2020, organized by Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai and VES College of Arts, Science & Commerce, Mumbai.
10. Two-day webinar on Covid-19 and Federal Stress: The Emergence of New Politics, on 18th-19th July, 2020, organized by Department of Political Science, Jalangi Mahavidyalaya, Presented a paper on Challenges before Migrant workers in the midst of Pandemic.
11. One day International Webinar on Gender and Development: some emerging issues in recent pandemic situation, 21st July, 2020,organized by Women’s study cell, Cooch Behar College in collaboration with Centre for Women’s Studies, University of North Bengal. Presented a paper on Adolescent girls in crisis in the midst of Pandemic.
12. One day National Webinar on Institutional Methodology of Online Induction Programme and Issues related to it in recent Covid-19 situations in India, organized by Department of Geography, Surya Sen Mahavidyalaya, on 22nd July, 2020
13. Bankura University, Department of Political Science, International Webinar on 27thto 29th July, 2020 on Covid-19: Restructuring of Domestic and International Politics?
14. One day State Level Webinar on Promotional Scheme of College Teachers, organized by Panihati Mahavidyalaya, on 9th August, 2020.
15. Two-Day International Webinar on Pandemic realities: emerging issues & perspectives, organized by Department of Political Science and Department of History, Maynaguri College in collaboration with Department of Political Science, Parimal Mitra smriti Mahavidyalaya, Mal, 17th -18th August, 2020, presented a paper on challenges before life with human dignity at the time of Pandemic.
16. A.B.N.Seal College, Cooch Behar organised National Webinar held on 29th August, 2020 on Impact of Covid-19 upon the Economy, Polity, Society and Culture of Eastern and North-Eastern India. Participated
17. ICSSR-ERC sponsored International Webinar on Culture of fear in world politics: origin and ramifications, organized by Department of Political Science, Surya Sen Mahavidyalaya, on 23-24 February, 2021. Presented paper on Freedom and Fear: Struggles between India and Pakistan as the neighbors and rivals.

Details of presented paper in conferences, symposia, seminars, Webinars and workshops

1 Recent Reforms in Higher Education of India Recent Reforms in education in India: Trends and Challenges WBCUTA, 1-2 October, 2010 State
2 Democratic responses and federal politics of India: since 1977 Democratic responses to political assertions: the contemporary Indian scenario NBU, Dept. of Political Science, 12-13 March 2011 National
3 India’s Federal politics in coalition era: A paradigm shift in Governance Nehru as a builder of Modern India Nehru Study Centre, NBU, 1 March 2011 National
4 Role of Indian women in Panchayati Raj Institution Conceptualizing women in development Centre for Women’s Studies, NBU, 28-29 March, 2011 National
5 Constitutional safeguards for the Tribals and Minorities of India as well as of North Bengal The changing scenario of socio-economic life in North Bengal: A study of Rajbanshis, Tribes & Minorities in the post colonial period-1947 to 1997 Maynaguri College, Dept of History, 20-21 December, 2011 National
6 Major Issues behind Regional Movements in Regional Movements: Identity questions and NBU, Dept. of Political Science, National India National Integration: contextualizing Indias growing regional assertions. 15-16 March, 2012
7 Rebuilding the society by empowering women some views Women wmpowerment in the new millennium where India stands Maynaguri College, Prevention of Sexual Harrasment Cell, 8-9 February, 2013 National
8 Terrorism as ‘Collective Enterprise’: An Interpretative Analysis Dissenting voices, Transformations and people’s assertions in East and North-East India NBU, Dept. of Political Science, 8-9 March, 2013 National
9 Democratic Decentralisation in India: some Issues of Development Democratic Decentralisation in India: some Issues of Development Hyderabad University, Indian Political Science Association, 28-30 December, 2013 National
10 Indian Federal structure and Coalition Government-A rift Post Liberalisation Democratic experience in India NBU, Dept. ofPolitical Science, 28 February, 2014 National
11 India’s Federal Democracy in post Nehruvian period: A note on paradigm shift in Governance Post Nehruvian politics in India: Agitations, Assimilations, Assertions and consequences NBU, Centre for Nehru and Gandhian Studies, 14-15 March, 2014 National
12 Role of Youth in NSS activities NSS and Role of Youth NBU, NSS, 22-23 March, 2014 National
13 Environmental Movements in India Planet Earth and its preservation Maynaguri College, 25-26 March 2015 International
14 Nehru’s Foreign Policy as a Mechanism of Nation Building Nehru and Nation Building in India Centre for Nehru Studies(UGC) Dept.of Political Science (NBU) 28-29 March 2015 International
15 Women Rights in India human Rights: Ethics, Values and Ideology Dept. of Political Science (NBU) 30-31 MARCH 2015 Nationa
16 Democracy and the Federal Experience in India Democracy, Discontent and Autonomy Demands: The Contemporary Indian Federal Experience Netaji Subhas Mahavidyalaya Haldibari, Coochbehar, 9th-10thOctober, 2015 Nationa
17 Rights of Children in IndiaEcology, Globalization and human rights Maynaguri College Directed by The Institute of cross cultural studies and academic exchange, NC, USA 8-10 January, 2016 International
18 Green Politics 17th Annual Conference of West Bengal Political Science Association Ananda Chandra College, Jalpaiguri, 5-6 March, 2016 State
19 Nature and Importance of Regional Movements in North Bengal in respect of West Bengal State Politics An overview of Good Governance in India Democracy and Good Governance: the Indian Experienc Dept. of Political Science, Maynaguri College, 21-22 November 2016 National
20 Federalism in India : Some Issues of DevelopmentRestructuring Indian Federation: The Recent Experiences Dept of Political Science, Gour Banga University, 21s March,2018 National
21 Challenges before Migrant workers in the midst of Pandemic. Covid-19 and Federal Stress: The Emergence of New Politics Department of Political Science, Jalangi Mahavidyalaya, 18th-19th July, 2020 National
22 Adolescent girls in crisis in the midst of Pandemic Gender and Development: some emerging issues in recent pandemic situationWomen’s study cell, Cooch Behar College in collaboration with Centre for Women’s Studies, University of North Bengal. 21st July, 2020. International
23 Survival and mobility of Migrant workers in the midst of pandemicCovid-19: Restructuring of Domestic and International Politics?Department of Political Science, Bankura University, 27th to 29th July, 2020 International
24 Challenges before life with human dignity at the time of Pandemic Pandemic realities: emerging issues & perspectives, Department of Political Science and Department of History, Maynaguri College in collaboration with Department of Political Science, Parimal Mitra smriti Mahavidyalaya, Mal, on17th -18th August, 2020 International
25 Freedom and Fear: Struggles between India and Pakistan as the neighbors and rivalsCulture of fear in world politics: origin and ramifications ICSSR-ERC sponsored International Webinar organized by Department of Political Science,Surya Sen Mahavidyalaya, held on 23-24 February, 2021 International

Faculty Development Programmee

  1. Completed UGC sponsored Orientation Programme from 19.4.2011-16.5.2011 organised by ASC, NBU.
  2. Completed UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Political Science from 27.09.2012-17.10.2012 organised by ASC, NBU .
  3. Completed Orientation Course on NSS, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt. of India Sponsored, from 09.11.2014-15.11.2014, organised by Department of Youth Affairs and Narendrapur Ramkrishna Mission Ashrama.
  4. Completed UGC sponsored Refresher Course from 6th June to 26th June, 2018, organized by HRDC, NBU.
  5. UGC sponsored Refresher Course in ‘Forecasting Social Unrest: Cliodynamics’, from 16th March to 30th March, 2021, organized by HRDC, NEHU.


Edited Volume
  1. Papia Deb, Terrorism as ‘Collective Enterprise’: An Interpretative analysis inDissenting voices, collective actions and politics of assesrtions(A Pan-Indian perspective); Ed. by Pradip Kumar Sengupta and Manas Chakrabarty; Published in 2013 ; Published by: LEVANT BOOKS, Kolkata; ISBN : 978-93-80663-91-3, pp-272 283.
  2. Constitutional safeguards for the Tribals and Minorities of India as well as of North Bengal in The changing scenario of Socio-Economic Life in North Bengal(A Study of Rajbansi Tribe Minorities in Postcolonial Period) ed. Susmita Pandit, Published January- 2013, DIPALI PUBLISHERS, ISBN : 978-81-89036-45-4, pp-46-54.
  3. Rebuilding the society by empowering woman: Some viewsin Women empowerment in the new Millenium: where India stands, ed. Susmita Pandit, Published- August,2013, ISBN : 978-81-924184-1-4; pp-134-137
  4. Papia Deb, India’s Federal Democracy in Post-Nehruvian period: A Note on Paradigm Shift in Governance, in Post Nehruvian Politics in India(Agitations, Assimilations, Assertions and Consequences) ; Edited by Manas Chakrabarty; Published – 2015 ; Published by : LEVANT BOOKS, Kolkata, ISBN : 978-93-84106-24-9, pp-43-50.
  5. Papia Deb, India’s Federal Democracy: A Paradigm Shift in Federal Governance between the Centre and the States-West Bengal in Retrospect; in The Barefoot Transformation: West Bengal and Beyond- Reviewing State Politics in India; Edited by-Tirthankar Chakraborty and Tabesum Begam ; Published – 2015 ; Published by : LEVANT BOOKS, Kolkata, ISBN: 978-93-84106-28-7, Pp-38-49.
  6. Papia Deb, Nature and Importance of Regional Movements in North Bengal in Respect of West Bengal State Politics-An Overview of Good Governance in India; in Good Governance and the Society (An Indian Perspective), Edited by Papia Deb, Published – 2016 ; Published by : LEVANT BOOKS, Kolkata, ISBN: 978-93-84106-70-6, PP-14-47.
  7. Papia Deb, Democratic Governance, Federalism and Consociationalism : Towards a Conceptional Framework in Contemporary Social Sciences: Issues & Challenges; Edited by- Sumitra Naha (Das) and Mahuya Roy Choudhury (Bhaowal); Published in 3rd April, 2017 Published by : N.S.P.S Publication, Siliguri, ISBN: 978-93-84815-13-4,Pp-209-219.
  8. Papia Deb, Women Empowerment Through PRI: A New Quest for Identity, in Theory and Practice of Human Rights: The Indian Context – A collection of Seminar Papersof UGC sponsored National Seminar, Compiled by Dr, Gopal Sharma, Rupali Publisher, 2015, ISBN : 978-93-81669-80-8, pp-254-263.
  9. Papia Deb, Phenomenal Changes in India’s Federal Democracy and Governance; in Indian Federalism(the Recent Experiences); Edited by-Jitendra Sahoo; LEVANT BOOKS, Kolkata, ISBN: 978-81-936036-2-8, Published – 2018, Pp-186-199.
  10. Dr. Papia Deb, Child Trafficking: A mess to Civilization, in Child Trafficking-A Social Evial & Challenges: Edited by Madhusudan Karmakar; Wizcraft Publications & Distribution, Solapur, India; ISBN-978-93-89488-20-3, 2020.
  11. Papia Deb, Aurobindo Ghosh on Nationalism and Internationalism, in Indian Political Thought-Selected Thinkers: Edited by Badal Sarkar; Anu Books, Delhi; ISBN: 978-93-90115-18-1, 2020.12. Papia Deb, Situating PESA and FRA on the broader aspect of Tribal Development: Relevance in North Bengal, in North Bengal-people, society and culture-Edited by Prabir Kumar Kundu; LAP LAMBERT Academia Publishing, ISBN: 978-620-4-18397-8, 2021.
  12. Dr. Papia Deb, Verrier Elwin and Nehruvian Policy of Tribal Development in India: Special emphasis on the Tribal Right to Education, in Tribal Education in India: Edited by Dr. Savita Mishra and Krittibas Datta; ABS Books, Delhi; ISBN: 978-93-91002-47-3, 2021.
  13. Papia Deb, An experience of changes in the Democratic Governing process of India, in Indian Democracy-Issues and Challenges: Edited by Savita Mishra and Krittibas Datta; Mittal Publications, New Delhi; ISBN: 978-93-90692-23-1, 2022.
  14. Papia Deb, Status of cooperative federalism in India’s response to Covid-19 Pandemic, in Socio-Economic Implications of Covid-19 Pandemic in India: growing Challenges and Potential solutions: Edited by Sumitra Naha(Das) and Mahuya Roy Choudhury(Bhowal); New Delhi Publishers, Delhi, ISBN: 978-93-93878-01-4, February, 2022.
  15. Papia Deb, Indo-Pak Bilateral Relations on Kashmir as the Neighbors and Rivals, in Culture of Fear in World politics-origin and ramifications-Edited by Bikash Ranjan Deb; Levant Books, Kolkata; ISBN: 978-93-91741-32-7, March 2022.

UGC-Care Listed Journal

  1. Papia Deb, Social Movements and Terrorism as Collective Efficacy: An Analysis, in The Indian Journal of Political Science (UGC-Care-317), Vol-LXXXII, No.1, ISSN-0019-5510, January-March, 2021.
  2. Dr. Papia Deb, Gandhi and Ambedkar’s Idea of Social Justice, in Aalochan Drishti(UGC-Care Listed)-An International Peer Reviewed Refereed Research Journal of Humanities; Tear-6,Volume-23, ISSN: 2455-4219, July-September, 2021.

Peer Reviewed Journal

  1. Dr. Papia Deb, Role and Impact of Gram Sabha, Gram Sansad and Gram Unnayan Samity (Village Development Council) on the decision making process: A Case Study of Champaguri Gram Panchayat of Nagrakata block, in NAM TODAY(An International Journal of Non-Aligned Movement), Page no-9-11, ISSN 2347-3193, Vol. XXXXIX, No. 7, July 2015
  2. Dr. Papia Deb, Situating human rights and democratic practices in India in the broader aspect of Social Security during the Covid-19 Pandemic: an analysis, in Vidyawarta-International Multilingual Research Journal; ISSN: 2319-9318, Issue-41, Vol-07, Jan to March, 2022.

Books authored(Edited)

  1. Papia Deb-Good Governance and the Society (An Indian Perspective), Publisher: Levant Books, Kolkata, India; 2016, ISBN: 978-93-84106-70-6
  2. Papia Deb- The Silent Crisis over Social Security in the Pandemic Era, Mittal Publication, New Delhi, 2022.