Maynaguri College

Research Projects

Research Projects

NoName of TeacherDepartmentType of ResearchTitle of ProjectDate
1Dr. Madhusudan KarmakarGeographyMinor Research ProjectGrowth and prospects of ecotourism in North Bengal2006-2007
2Dr. Sarbari MukhopadhyayGeographyMinor Research ProjectImpact of environmental degradation on the natural resources in Douigeling Hilldrons20.12.2011
3Dr. Paramita GhoshEnglishMinor Research ProjectImperialism through the traveller's eye in the novels of U.S. Naipal and Amitav Ghosh: A selective study7.11.2009
4Dr. Papia DebPolitical ScienceMinor Research ProjectRegional movement, political demand, and nature of sub-state politics: A study of West Bengal5.2.2013
5Dr. Apurba Kr. SahaBengaliMinor Research Projectরবীন্দ্রনাথ ঠাকুরের 'ডাকঘর' : সেকাল থেকে একালে2012-13