Maynaguri College

Intake Capacity & Courses Offered

Number Of Seats In Major Subjects

Political Science2377105328148133127491

Courses Offered

Major (MAJ) Courses (any one from the following)

ScienceArts, Humanities and Social Science
1.Physics1. Bengali
2.Chemistry2. English
3. Mathematics3. Geography
4. Economics4. Economics
5. Education
6. History
7. Philosophy
8. Political Science
9. Sanskrit
10. Sociology

Minor (MIN) Courses (any two from the following)

ScienceArts, Humanities and Social Science
1. Physics1. Bengali
2. Chemistry2. English
3. Mathematics3. Geography
4. Economics4. Economics
5. NCC5. Education
6. History
7. Philosophy
8. Political Science
9. Physical Education
10. Sanskrit
11. Sociology
12. NCC

Belonging to the group of the major subject chosen, excluding the major subject

Multidisciplinary Courses (MDC) (any three from the following, excluding courses belonging to the group of the Major and / or Minor subjects chosen and excluding those courses already undergone at the Higher Secondary Level (12th) class): one each to be chosen from each Semester-wise pool of courses.

Pool A – for Semester 1 only

Sl NoCourseEligibility Condition
1Performing ArtsAny stream
2Chemistry in ActionAll students except those who have studied Chemistry at + 2 level and / or are having Chemistry as a Major or a Minor
3History of North BengalAny stream
4Management of Libraries and Information CentresAny stream
5Gender StudiesAny stream
6Great Indian EducatorsAny stream
7Micro Finance and FinancialAll students except those who have studied Economics at + 2 level and /or are having Economics as a Major or a Minor
8Human RightsAny stream
9Distance Education.All students except those who have studied Education at + 2 level and /or are having Education as a Major or a Minor

Pool B – for Semester 2 only

Sl NoCourseEligibility Condition
1Understanding Shakespeare and TagoreAny stream
2Sustainable DevelopmentAny stream
3Disaster ManagementAny stream
4Tourism and Travel ManagementAny stream
5Mental Health and HygieneAny stream
6Local Language and Folk CultureAny stream
7International RelationsAll students except those who have studied Political Science at + 2 level and / or are having Political Science as a Major or a Minor
8Introduction to PolymersAll students except those who have studied Chemistry at + 2 level and / or are having Chemistry as a Major or a Minor
9Introduction to AstronomyAll students except those who have studied Physics at + 2 level and /or are having Physics as a Major or a Minor
10Web TechnologyAll students except those who have studied Computer Science/ Information Practices/ other IT related subject at + 2 level and /or are having Computer Science/ Information Practices/ other IT related subject as a Major or a Minor
11Education of Children with special NeedsAll students except those who have studied Education at + 2 level and /or are having Education as a Major or a Minor

Pool C – for Semester 4 only

Sl. No.CourseEligibility Criteria
1Global Environment and HealthAny stream
2Green ChemistryAll students except those who have studied Chemistry at + 2 level and / or are having Chemistry as a Major or a Minor
3Guidance and CounsellingAny stream
4Nutrition and DietAny stream
5Public AdministrationAll students except those who have studied Political Science at + 2 level and / or are having Political Science as a Major or a Minor
6Rural StudiesAny stream
7Social WorkAll students except those who have studied Sociology at + 2 level and / or are having Sociology as a Major or a Minor
8ICT FundamentalsAll students except those who have studied Computer Science/ Information Practices/ other IT related subject at + 2 level and /or are having Computer Science/ Information Practices/ other IT related subject as a Major or a Minor
9Development Studies of Indian EconomyAll students except those who have studied Economics at + 2 level and /or are having Economics as a Major or a Minor
THREE SKILL ENHANCEMENT COURSES (SEC) need to be completed by each student based on their Major (MAJ) Course: these courses are aimed at imparting practical skills, hands-on training, soft-skills, etc. to enhance the employability of the students.
Any one from the following: two papers each

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 Alternative English

MIL Bengali

MIL Sanskrit

Apart from above, another AEC – Language Core Course (LCC)English (Compulsory) (two papers) needs to studied, by all UG students
Value Added Courses (VAC)

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A – Environmental Education (EE)

 B – Understanding India (UI)

Vocational Courses (Optional): required for completion of 4 credits, which may be required for students who will opt for Exit at Certificate / Diploma level:

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GST Filing

 Hospitality Management


Soft skill and personality development

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