Maynaguri College

Code Of Conduct

Code Of Conduct

Purpose: This Code of Conduct outlines the professional and ethical standards expected from teachers, students, and non-teaching staff at Maynaguri College. It aims to foster a respectful, inclusive, and productive academic environment.

Scope: This Code applies to all members of the College, including teachers, students, and non-teaching staff. It encompasses their behavior within and outside the campus while representing the institution.

Code of Conduct for Teachers

Professional Integrity

Commitment to Students

Academic Excellence

Respect and Fairness

Use of Resources

Code of Conduct for Students

Academic Integrity

Respect and Inclusion

Attendance and Participation

Use of College Resources

Behavior and Conduct

Code of Conduct for Non-Teaching Staff

Professional Integrity

Support and Collaboration

Commitment to College Values

Respect and Fairness

Use of Resources

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