About Library
About the Library

Our library has a rich collection of more than 24000 books, valuable reference books, journals, educational CDs/ DVDs, open access e-books, e-journals, and other resources for the users. Library also provides access to the collection through On-Line Catalogue (OPAC). Our library has the institutional membership of the American Centre Library, Kolkata; British Council Library, Kolkata; N-LIST; NDL (IIT Kharagpur).
The Library has a total collection of above mentioned documents which includes books, serials, non-book materials etc. The Library subscribes to 12 print journals of various subjects. In additions to the above, the library provides access to nearly and 135000 E-Books and 6000 e-journals to its users under the INFLIBNET-NLIST programme. The library collection is arranged according to call number (subject-wise).
Since June 2010, the college library started automation of the housekeeping activities using versatile and user-friendly Library Management System software, from AIDNI-INFOTECH Centre, Kolkata. The work related to retrospective conversion of library collections was completed and was under the name of GRAPHICOM, Kolkata. At present the Library is partially automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)- Koha. The ILMS presently running is the version of Koha installed in the year 2023. OPAC service is also provided to the users. The library has its own local Network connected with a server with terminals inside the library.
All students, faculty members and other employees of the college are eligible for membership of the Library. The Library issues bar-coded identity cards for students. The entitlements, in terms of the number of books that can be borrowed by the members, are as follows:

Honours Students | Books | 2 |
General Students | Books | 1 |
Major Students | Books | 2 |
Minor Students | Books | 1 |
Fulltime Faculty Members | Books | 25 |
SACT Members | Books | 20 |
NTS Members | Books | 5 |
Special Members | Books | 1 |
Services At A Glance
Library Services at a Glance
Avail the following service while in Library
- Issue-Return of books
- Reading Room Service
- Access to current issues and back volumes of journals
- Reference and Information Services
- Searching On-line Journals, Databases, E-books
- Internet facilities
- Photocopying/ Reprography Service
- Current Awareness Service
- Display of New Arrivals
- Access to question papers of all previous examinations
Library Timings
The hours of service of the College Central Library are as follows
- Reading Room
- Reference Section
- Journal and Career Guidance Section
- Computer Section
- Lending Section
- 11am to 4.30pm
- 11am to 4.30pm
- 11am to 4.30pm
- 11 am to 4 pm
- 11 am to 3 pm