Place & Date of Birth: Maynaguri, 14th April 1991
Sex: Male
Marital Status: Unmarried
Nationality: Indian
Blood Group: A+
Category: SC
Address: Vill. + P.O. – Bhotepatty, P.S – Maynaguri, Dist. – Jalpaiguri, Pin 735305, State – West Bengal, India.
Language Skills: Bengali, English, Hindi
Educational Qualifications
Examination Passed | Board/Institution/University | Major Disciplines | Year of Passing | Full Marks (F.M.) | Marks Obtained | Marks Obtained (%) | Class |
M.P. | W.B.B.S.E | Bengali, English, Political Science, Life Science, Mathematics, History, Geography | 2007 | 800 | 577 | 72.12% | 1st |
H.S. | W.B.C.H.S.E | Bengali, English, Political Science, History, Geography | 2009 | 500 | 388 | 75.60% | 1st |
B.A. | University of North Bengal | Geography (Honours) | 2012 | 800 | 446 | 55.75% | 2nd |
M.A. | University of North Bengal | Geography | 2014 | 1600 | 1034 | 64.63% | 1st |
B.Ed. | Yogi Vemana University | Social Science | 2015 | 1200 | 754 | 62.84% | 1st |
M.Phil | University of North Bengal | Geography | 2021 | 800 | 595 | 74.38% | 1st |
M.Ph.D. Registration | University of North Bengal | Geography | 2023 | — | — | — | — |
Achievement & Awards
- Awarded UGC NET – JRF (NFSC) – 2020
- Qualified UGC NET – 2017
- Qualified Twentieth State Eligibility Test – 2017
- Central Eligibility Test (CTET) – August, 2023
- Subject Specialization – Geomorphology, Pedology
- Areas of Research Interest – Geomorphology, Pedology, Remote Sensing & GIS
Expertise in
- Arc GIS
- Python
- Global Mapper
- MS Office (Excel, Word, Power point, Publisher etc.)
Professional Experience
Works as Assistant Teacher (Deputed) at Putimari Mathura Mohan High School, Maynaguri, Jalpaiguri, West Bengal, 17.04.2017 to 21.08.2017
Book Chapter
- Mitra, R., Sarkar, A., Hossain, G., Roy, D., Mandal, G., Das, J., & Mandal, D. K. (2023). Development of Objective-Based Multi-criteria Decision-Making Approach in Crop Suitability Assessment for Maize Production Using GIS. In Advancement of GI-Science and Sustainable Agriculture: A Multi-dimensional Approach (pp. 199-215). Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Roy, D., Sarkar, A., Kundu, P., Paul, S., & Sarkar, B. C. (2023). An ensemble of evidence belief function (EBF) with frequency ratio (FR) using geospatial data for landslide prediction in Darjeeling Himalayan region of India. Quaternary Science Advances, 11, 100092.
- Roy, D., Barman, S., Mandal, G., Mitra, R., Sarkar, A., Hossain, G., & Mandal, D. K. (2024). Extracting of prospective groundwater potential zones using remote sensing data, GIS, and multi-criteria decision-making approach in the Sub-Himalayan Dooars region of West Bengal, India. Applied Water Science, 14(4), 72.
Training Programme and Workshop Attended
- Seven Days UGC Sponsored Workshop on Contemporary Tools and Techniques in Geography, Organized by the Department of Geography & Applied Geography, NBU.
- An Open-Air State-Level Workshop on Environment, River and Man, Organized by the Department of Geography, Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya.
- Two Days State Level Workshop on Learning of QGIS, Organized by the Department of Geography in Collaboration with IQAC Malda College.
- Two Days Training Programme on Python for Geospatial Science, Organized by Indaca Institute of Skill.
- Two Days’ Workshop on ‘Application of Machine Learning in Various Fields’ Organized by International Institute of Geospatial Science & Technology (IIGST).
Webinar Attended
- One Day International Webinar on Emerging Disaster Issues: Causes and Consequences, Organized by the Department Of Geography in Collaboration with IQAC Katwa College, Purba Bardhaman.
- Webinar on Bank Erosion of River Ganga in Malda District, West Bengal, Organized by the Department of Geography & Applied Geography, University of North Bengal and Sponsored by the DSTBT, West Bengal.
Seminars and Conferences Participated and Attended
- Participated in 31st IGI Conference and National Seminar on Applications of Geospatial Technology in Enlightenment to Perfection Geomorphology and Environment, Organized by the Department of Geography & Applied Geography, University of North Bengal.
- Participated In ICSSR-ERC Sponsored National Seminar on Sustainable Urbanization in East India: Present Trends and Future Concerns, Organized by the Department of Geography, Siliguri Mahila Mahabidyalaya.
- Presented Paper on “A Geo-Spatial Appraisal of Urban Expansion Within the Torsa-Kaljani Interfluve in and around Coochbehar Town, West Bengal” in Two Days ICSSR-ERC Sponsored National Seminar on Urbanization, Urban Environment and Sustainability in Himalayan Region on Organized by the Department of Geography & Applied Geography, University of North Bengal.
- Presented Paper on “Landuse Land Cover Changes under the Influence of Channel Migration of Torsa River, West Bengal” in SERB, ICSSR, NABARD, ANSI, NATMO, SOI, and ISRS Sponsored International Seminar Organized by Department by Geography, Rampurhat College, Birbhum.
- Presented Paper on “Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Changes of Channel Morphology and Prediction of Mid Line Channel Migration of the Kaljani River, India, Using GIS and ARIMA Modelling” in three Days International Conference on Emerging Issues in Environment, Livelihood and Development: A Future Road Map Towards Sustainable Earth, Organized by The Department of Geography & Applied Geography, University of North Bengal.